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Q Switched laser

A quality-switched laser (Q-Switched) is a non-invasive laser that creates high-intensity pulsed beam light. The Q-Switched laser beam pulses last a mere billionth of a second. The energy emitted from a Q-switched laser is concentrated into very powerful pulses. it can be naturally reabsorbed and disposed of by the body.
Q-Switched lasers are able to shatter tiny fragments of pigmentation or ink, stimulate collagen production or kill fungus since their contact with the skin is less than other lasers, Q-Switched lasers are known for not damaging surrounding tissue and causing unwanted side effects.
We at Cosmocare Medical Center, have the latest and most advanced laser machine from Quanta System . Quanta is an100% Italian company and the Global leader in manufacturing laser products since 1985.. The Q Plus series is the ideal solution to perform a great range of treatments like:
- Tattoo removal
- Skin resurfacing
- Skin /Facial rejuvenation
- Hair Bleaching
- Age spots removal
- Sunspots removal
- Birthmarks removal
- Freckles removal
- Carbon Peeling
- Pigmentation
Our Expert Dermatologist Dr Murtuza Bandukwala, depending upon the condition of the patient decides the mode of treatment.
The latest generation Q switched laser technology, associated with Quanta System’s laser treatment, ensures not only complete tattoo, age spots, birthmarks, freckle, sunspots removal but also an effect of skin regeneration bringing the skin close to its original texture. This is an ideal solution to perform the greatest range of benign pigmented lines, tattoo removal and skin resurfacing treatment with fast treatments and safety.