Facial Laceration Repair Dubai

In the Dubai, approximately thousands of patients present annually to the emergency department for facial lacerations. Given the prevalence of facial lacerations, an understanding of proper laceration management is crucial as poor facial wound treatment can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life

Continuing Education Activity

Facial lacerations encompass a broad range of injuries and highlight complex facial anatomy. Appropriate management of facial lacerations requires knowledge of facial anatomy, current suture techniques, and guidelines for consulting other specialties. This activity reviews facial laceration repair and highlights the roles of the interprofessional team in managing patients who sustain trauma and subsequently undergo facial laceration repair.

Facial Laceration Repair in Dubai by Cosmocare Medical Center

How Can I Get Started?

Dr. Lavanya/ Dr Samir and his staff at Cosmocare Oral + Facial Laceration would be happy to discuss the details of facial laceration repair with you. To schedule an appointment in Dubai, UAE, please call our office at 04-3798747 or request an appointment online.